Articles of Economics and Recordings of Classical Organ Music Combined in a Single Website 

International economics | Development

Papers, Columns and Comments

Economic Policy

Agnès Benassy-Quéré – Benoît Cœuré –

Pierre Jacquet – Jean Pisani-Ferry

Classical Organ Music

Recorded on virtual historical pipe-organs

Recent papers

Natural Capital Accounting in Madagascar

Natural Capital Accounting in Madagascar

This paper (written jointly with Pierre Bertrand, Edmond Roger and Solofo Rakotondraompiana), “La comptabilité du capital naturel, un outil au service des ODD. Organiser localement le lien entre recherche et action”, was published in October 2017 in Patrick Caron et Jean-Marc Châtaigner (eds.), “Un défi pour la planète. Les objectifs de développement durable en débat”, IRD éditions (chapter 25). It is partly inspired by a global research program on « Natural Resource Management – Natural Wealth Accounting » conducted by the Global Development Network (GDN).

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The Governance of Public Service Delivery

The Governance of Public Service Delivery

This post was initially prepared as a preface for the book co-edited by Guillermo Perry and Ramona Angelescu Naqvi (2017), Improving Access and Quality of Public Services in Latin America. To Govern and to Serve (Palgrave MacMillan). The book approaches governance issues from a concrete, local and empirical, instrumental perspective which focuses on the equity and quality of public service delivery, an essential component of poverty reduction and inclusive growth strategies.

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Recent Columns

Are there permanent features in today’s World?

Are there permanent features in today’s World?

Change is heralded everywhere: in the global political and strategic environment and the transformation of the global and regional balance of power, in the institutional structure, in the regional and global alliances, in goods and services, in the nature of labor, etc. It is therefore fascinating to take the unusual route of asking what does not change, what is “permanent”, and to ask whether there are strongholds on which to base our thinking about the future. This is obviously a huge subject, one that should mobilize the best philosophers …

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Private Sector and Development

Private Sector and Development

Contribution to an opinion piece  “In my view” in the  Development Cooperation Report 2016. The Sustainable Development Goals as Business Opportunities  of the OECD (chapter 4, “Measuring private finance mobilized for sustainable development“).
The increasing scarcity of public budgets has naturally led to heightened expectations about private financing for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As such, this is quite a challenge: public and private objectives do not coincide naturally and private firms are not philanthropic, even though some individuals within them may be.

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Revisiting Official Development Assistance

Revisiting Official Development Assistance

Re-defining ODA should not be seen as an arcane and primarily technical subject. It addresses the fundamentals of aid effectiveness as well as the role that governments can be expected to play. In our increasingly complex societies, public action, both national and international, should be mainly thought of in terms of incentivizing and coordinating behaviors. However, most aid “architecture” and practice is based on donors actually financing visible outputs, whether goods or services. At a time when the notion of “shared value” prompts us to revisit the concept of public-private partnerships, modernizing the definition of ODA can herald a sea-change in development effectiveness.

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