Economic Policy provides a unique combination of facts-based analysis, state-of-the art economic theory, and insights from first-hand policy experience at the national and international levels to shed light on current domestic and international policy challenges. It is ideally suited for students, practitioners, and scholars seeking understanding both of the pragmatic constraints of real-world policy making and the analytical tools that enhance inquiry and inform debates.
This new edition is informed by such important recent developments as the Great Recession, the strains on the European Union and the Euro, the challenges of public and private debt, the successes and setbacks to emerging markets, the increased attention to inequality, the debates on secular stagnation and its implications for monetary policy, the re-regulation of the financial sector, the debt overhang in both the public and the private sector.

- State-of-the art economic theory confronted to facts
- Interaction between research and policy
- Up-to-date treatment of recent crises
- Highly readable text
- Technical developments in boxes
- Abundant statistics and figures
This book is a book I would have loved to write
A remarkable achievement…Let’s hope Economic Policy becomes widely used. If so, it will revolutionize the teaching of macroeconomics
Extremely useful not only for graduate students but also for policymakers and practitioners like myself