Articles of Economics and Recordings of Classical Organ Music Combined in a Single Website
Recent papers
How to interpret green finance?
Article published in French in Transitions, review of the Ecole nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, no. 1, 2021. Beyond its indisputable success as a financial niche, the concept of “green finance” exhibits several inconsistencies that reflect tensions with the current...
African debt and development: the challenges of the “Dakar Consensus”
Article jointly written with Hippolyte d'Albis, Jean-Hervé Lorenzi et Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann, and published in French in Revue d'Economie Financière, no. 141, premier trimestre 2021, pp. 193-205 The first official visit in Africa by the new Director General of the...
Is Public Debt a Problem?
This article, jointly written with François Geerolf, was published (in French) in Politique Etrangère, the quarterly review of the French Institute for International Relations (IFRI), no. 2/2021, pp. 79-92. Public debts have considerably increased almost everywhere in...
Recent Columns
How to interpret the “mountain” of public debt?
Column jointly authored with François Geerolf for the Cercle des économistes, published in the daily French newspaper Les Échos on 6 October 2021 under the title "De l'utilité de la dette publique". La dette publique suscite souvent des débats qui relèvent de la...
Rethink Aid for Africa’s Development
Column published in French in the French Newspaper Les Échos, 24 February 2021, under the title "Repenser l'aide au développement de l'Afrique". Le 22 février 2021 se tenait à Paris le 20ème Forum international économique sur l’Afrique conjointement organisé par...
Economy without a Compas
Pre-publication version (in French) of a column published in the Newspaper “Les Echos” on October 3, 2018, under the title “L’économie mondiale doit retrouver sa boussole” (The World Economy Must Find its Compass Again). The most important challenge today is not about conjoncture or threats to the short-term growth outlook. It is, rather, the structural weakening of the multilateral order that had underpinned international economic relations for the last half-century. The relevant slogan today is “it’s politics, stupid”. More than ever, “high politics” is needed to support and advance the values of endangered enlightenment.
Organ music recordings
BWV624 – Orgelbüchlein – Hilf Gott
Recorded on April 4, 2020, on the virtual Klapmeyer orgel of St. Nicolai Church in Altenbruch (Germany) Johann Sebastian Bach - Orgelbüchlein - BWV624 - Hilf Gott, dass mir's gelinge
Recorded on 12/10/2008 on the virtual Silbermann organ (1735) of the Petrikirche in Freiberg (“wet diffuse” version)
Recorded on 12/10/2008 on the virtual Silbermann organ (1735) of the Petrikirche in Freiberg (“wet diffuse” version)
Recorded on 12/10/2008 on the virtual Silbermann organ (1735) of the Petrikirche in Freiberg (“wet diffuse” version)
Recorded on the virtual Hinz organ (1741) of the Bovernerk in Kampen
Recorded on 3/09/2007 on the virtual organ of Litomysl (Rep. Tchèque)