by Pierre Jacquet | 29 Jul 2015 | Papers
This paper was written with Anton Brender as a chapter for the book edited by Jacques Mistral (2015), Le climat va-t-il changer le capitalisme. La grande mutation du XXIème siècle, Eyrolles, pp. 119-132 (“Will climate change capitalism? The great mutation of the...
by Pierre Jacquet | 7 Apr 2015 | Papers
Chapter written with Varad Pande for the collective book edited by Mathieu Boussichas et Patrick Guillaumont (2015), Financing Sustainable Development: Addressing Vulnerabilities” (Paris, Economica, chapitre 26). This chapter develops three main idea. First, we...
by Pierre Jacquet | 1 Nov 2014 | Papers
Paper written as a preface for Marc Raffinot’s (2015) textbook, Economie du Développement, Paris: Dunod Souvent, les manuels d’économie – y compris celle dite « du développement » – font la part belle aux contenus techniques, à la présentation et à...
by Pierre Jacquet | 24 Oct 2012 | Papers
Paper prepared for the book jointly edited by Rabah Aretzki, Catherine Patillo, Marc Quintyn et Min Zhu (2012), Commodity Price Volatility and Inclusive Growth in Low-Income Countries, Washington D.C.: International Monetary Fund (chapter 16, pp. 315-330). ...
by Pierre Jacquet | 1 Sep 2012 | Papers
This article, titled “Emerging countries: challenges of a great transformation”, was published in Pouvoirs, n° 142 (Paris: septembre 2012). The 2007-2009 crisis, followed by the debt crisis of the euro zone, has amplified the already initiated shift of...
by Pierre Jacquet | 1 Sep 2012 | Papers
Introduction to the Revue d’Economie Financière issue on the Indian financial system This paper was written with Jean-Joseph Boillot as the introduction to the Revue d’Economie Financière’s issue that we jointly coordinated on “The...